We have an internal dialogue that is always happening outside of our conscious awareness. Practicing the technique I am about to show you can change the things that you think can’t be changed, things that you may think are just are the way that they are.
Because your unconscious inner dialogue tells you that it must be true. You’re probably not even conscious of how your core beliefs and your thinking and your inner dialogue are causing all these things to happen. Your unconscious mind tells you what to believe and your core beliefs control your destiny.
“I can’t do this!”
What was that? Um.
“I’m not worthy.”
“I’m tired of this.”
Who said that?
“Just get away from me.”
“Oh no one loves me.”
Inner dialogue. Yes there are voices, thoughts, pictures going on all the time inside of every person’s head.
Did you hear the story of the guy who went to the psychiatrist and he was explaining to the psychiatrist about he’s hearing a voice inside of his head and as he was explaining this the psychiatrist was taking notes and inside of his head he was thinking this guy’s hearing voices in the side of his head. “What would be the cause of that?” “He must be nuts!”
Yes when you begin to notice your inner dialog you are practicing mindfulness. The word “mindfulness” might become more and more important to you. Let’s just say that that would be about becoming aware of what’s happening with you. If you become more aware of what’s happening to you you’ll notice that there is some kind of chatter going on inside your head a lot of the time and you’ll notice that according to your behavior and your results that you always have in life, there is an inner dialogue that’s actually causing it to happen. You’ll notice that thoughts are arising all the time in your head. And what’s really interesting is that a lot of it is just not within our conscious awareness. And yet we’re listening to the voice inside of our heads and it’s directing us and telling us how to feel, how to act, how to behave. And it’s telling us what our results are going to be in anything that we choose to do. We may decide to start a business but inside our heads we’re thinking,
“Oh, this is not going to work out!”
“Oh you probably can’t do that.”
“This is not going to work out.”
These things are going on all the time and it’s actually causing the results that we get in our lives. Did you know that you could change the inner dialogue, the self-talk that you have naturally inside your head? You can become aware of it and change it and then get different results. The amazing thing is that when you develop the skill to shift this internal dialogue to become the wise part of yourself, your own inner coach or your inner advisor, maybe you have a part of yourself as we all do, who is capable of guiding us to exactly the right thing to do. When you allow this internal dialogue to shift to what you now consciously want, guided by your own sense of vision, knowledge, and purpose your entire life can transform because of that. Because this really is your programming. When you deliberately and consciously take charge of that programming you can dramatically affect your ability to have success at anything that you set out to in life.
“Don’t make a fool out of yourself by taking hip hop dance lessons!”
“You’ve tried the same thing before.”
“This is not going to work!”
“Just stick to your station in life.”
“If your parents weren’t rich, how are you going to be rich?”
“Besides you know rich people are bad”
It goes on and on and on. There are so many things that we’re telling ourselves inside.
Here’s an amazing thing to consider: Every person who’s not getting the results that they want, they’re not successful enough, they’re not making enough money, if they’re not winning at trading, if they’re not becoming a good actor and they’re trying to be an actor, if people that they want to like them aren’t liking them, they want to have a relationship and the person that they want to have a relationship with isn’t responding to them, if they’re not eating the right things and if they’re not physically fit enough, or they’re overweight and they would like to lose weight, if they would like to excel in education or in public speaking, or if they want to be really good at something and they’re not getting the result that they want, it’s because they have an inner dialogue that’s creating that result. And you can change that inner dialogue to be the dialogue that causes you to get the result that you do want.
So when you become aware that there’s a voice or an inner dialogue that’s telling you something and it’s not what you want, the first thing is don’t fight it. The first step at doing this is to learn to become aware of it so that you’re just watching it happen. And as you just passively observe what’s happening this is the concept that we call in NLP “dissociation”. If you’re dissociated and then you see yourself from a distance. And you see what’s that person thinking, what’s going on inside of that person.
Did you know I just discovered that in order for a person to become depressed or discouraged they have to initiate an inner dialogue and then form the associated pictures that cause them to become depressed? So that if a person becomes depressed, they have a routine that they’re unconsciously doing. But they’re choosing to do it. And they go through this process where they think how bad things are. Then they think about the pictures of it. And then they think really hard about how bad it is then they start to feel really bad about it. And then they make it worse and worse. And that’s all happening because of what the person is doing inside themselves.
You become angry you become frustrated. There is a thing that you’re doing inside of yourself. And there’s a talk that’s going on that’s causing it to happen. You can blame someone else for it. That person may be mad but other people don’t make you depressed. You are doing it.
Okay here’s the important thing to master. How can you change yourself? How can you change your life? Have you become aware of some kind of inner self talk? We all have it. The important thing is to not fight it but to just become aware of it. Because that’s the first step most people go through their whole life. And they’re having this inner dialogue but they’re not consciously aware of it. There are ways that we’re going to enhance our ability to become more aware, as we have discovered and its known in the field of CBT and other psychological fields, that it is not really possible for a person to become depressed without generating a certain inner dialogue, and then generating the associated pictures such as, “Oh things are so bad! “It’s just so bad!” And then you you continually try to make yourself depressed. Even if you feel like you’re not trying, it is a deliberate thing. It is a controllable thing that you can stop.
If a person is experiencing anxiety there’s something going on inside of that person that’s saying, “Watch out!” “Something bad might happen!” “You never know about that.” “Well there’s all these bad things in the world.” You know it’s just constantly going on inside of yourself and so we want to become aware of that so that then we can take deliberate control. Take conscious control to change that into something that would be more productive. Something that would help you to get better results in life. Because obviously what’s happening is not getting us the results that we want.
The co-founder of NLP, Richard Bandler, gave us a lot of personal genius into how can you take control of the inner voice that’s happening inside of yourself. And one of the things that he says is that to become aware of that voice. And then when you are aware of it, notice what tone quality it has. Is it the sound of a man if you’re a man? Or is it the sound of of a woman? Because it could be the sound of your mother or father or a teacher that you had. Every time a certain thing happens, you might kind of hear this voice and it might just be echoing something that happened before. So notice what does the voice sound like? And notice the rhythm of it too. Is it kind of a blah blah blah sound or rhythm? What kind of a of a tone quality does it have? What kind of a rhythm does it have? “Watch out for that thing!” with the anxiety the fear voice. or “You’re never going to be able to do that!” What does that voice sound like? The discouraging voice or the voice that inhibits you from doing what you want: “Don’t bother doing that.” “You’re not going to be able to do that.”
So creating a new habit of becoming aware of your inner dialogue and self-talk puts you into a different category of person. There may be 99% of people who aren’t aware of what’s going on inside of themselves. It’s there. They may hear it. But they’re just not consciously aware of it. And they’re not doing anything deliberately to change it. So this is going to put you into a different category of people. And you’re going to be completely different than the people who aren’t aware of their inner self-talk. And you’re also going to have the total power and control to deliberately change what’s going on inside of yourself. Just think if you are programmed and a lot of the programming is just accidental and by default, or you may be picking up a lot of deliberate programs from advertisement, movies, and the whole world is sending things out to you. But if you’re taking control of your programs then you are in the category of people who can create deliberate success.
Be creative in your script. Just make up whatever you want and make it great! Imagine that your life could become an adventure or a mystery. Or imagine that your life is a story of the hero’s journey. What would this story be? Could you create a new amazing story of success, empowerment, joy? And what else? As an example:
“And it came to pass at that time that Scott Shubert did a rise in glory and power with highest potential, aligned with highest wisdom. So that peak performance and highest results are always achieved.”
“Hi I’m Scott Shubert and welcome to another exciting day of my life! As I arise in the morning with passion for life, I notice that the entire universe is creating synchronicity to bring about my highest intentions and desires. I now know I am fulfilling my highest purpose and it feels excellent! I easily attract more and more abundance and income in the form of money, financial success, profit, as well as fulfilling experiences, friends, harmonious relationships, acceptance, and recognition for my value as a person. I acknowledge the value of all life and every person. And this acknowledgement is sensed and perceived by others as resonance and natural attraction.”
And when you learn to do self-hypnosis then it’s going to be the key to all mastery in life because it greatly enhances your ability to become powerful and to create the results that you want.