January 2018

Watch For Euro Move at ECB Press Conference.

It’s likely that the EUR will continue to range with no clear direction until the interest rate announcement which is not likely to change but the ECB press conference could trigger a surge. https://www.dailyfx.com/forex/fundamental/daily_briefing/session_briefing/euro_open/2018/01/24/Euro-May-Shrug-Off-Soft-PMI-Data-Looking-Ahead-to-ECB-Meeting.html?DFXfeeds=forex:fundamental:daily_briefing:session_briefing:euro_open

Watch For Euro Move at ECB Press Conference. Read More »

New Fed Chairman Power Not Keen On Bitcoin But Hopeful About Blockchain.

Why are we not surprised that the chairman of the sinister organization known as the Federal Reserve does not seem to approve of Bitcoin, as if his approval would be needed? Taking anything he says with a grain of salt, he does express some recognition of the blockchain technology to eventually be used for national

New Fed Chairman Power Not Keen On Bitcoin But Hopeful About Blockchain. Read More »

Gold Will Go Down Further After Small Correction

Reading charts is always easier than interpreting vast conflicting data. Gold, Silver and the U.S. Dollar index continue to form clear patterns and generate high probability trades. Here is what an astute analyst is saying about the reason for temporary uncertainty in the market. https://www.dailyfx.com/forex/video/live_events/2018/01/23/Gold-Awaits-Dollars-Lead-Before-Deciding-Critical-Breakout-or-Reversal.html?DFXfeeds=forex:video:live_events

Gold Will Go Down Further After Small Correction Read More »

How Bruce Lee’s Philosophy is Used By Today’s Entrepreneurs.

If someone can move a lightning speed instantly defeating any opponent in the highest level of martial arts, there may be something to learn that we can use to get better results in business and definitely in trading at lightning speed. http://inc-asean.com/grow/bruce-lee-positive-mindset-surefire-signs-youre-limiting-dont/?utm_source=inc&utm_medium=redir&utm_campaign=incredir

How Bruce Lee’s Philosophy is Used By Today’s Entrepreneurs. Read More »

Watch out for Canadian Rate Hike Today!

If the Bank of Canada does follow through with the forecast to raise the interest rate it could later cause Gold prices to drop according to Iliya Spivak Sr. Currency Strategist for Daily FX. https://www.dailyfx.com/forex/fundamental/daily_briefing/daily_pieces/commodities/2018/01/17/Gold-Prices-May-Fall-if-BOC-Signals-More-Rate-Hikes-on-the-Horizon.html?DFXfeeds=forex:fundamental:daily_briefing:daily_pieces:commodities

Watch out for Canadian Rate Hike Today! Read More »

Australian and Asian Shares and Commodities Temporarily Falling.

Japanese shares managed to push higher while the EUR broke a 3-year resistance with positive sentiment created by Germany’s recent commitment to provide funds for EU economic recovery. Last week was filled with nice surprises. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-global-markets/asian-shares-hit-record-high-euro-near-three-year-top-idUSKBN1F501C?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews

Australian and Asian Shares and Commodities Temporarily Falling. Read More »