Trading Stars Podcast 10



There is an interesting character who is an old friend of mine.   He calls himself Captain Rusty and likes to live on a yacht (or boat) in the Virgin Islands and using wifi and satelite he tades the markets while the sun shines down on the waves gently lapping against the boat.  It sounds like a nice lifestyle to me and I can definitely relate.

What’s even more amazing is that he was able to attend our live webinars daily for a period of time and participate in our group with his excellent insight and unique humor.  I don’t know if he likes Pina Coladas, Stripe Jamacain Beer, or like me distilled water but I still hope that the next time I am in the Virgin Islands I will find him there at the dock and have a drink.

I got an email from Captian Rusty not too long ago and he is still trading and showed me his chart template that is set up with clear color coordinated blue and white with the entire chart and indicators changing color at exactly the same point.