Over the last few years, I have received hundreds of requests to finally reveal my most confidential real secret to short-term trading strategies using the legendary Samurai Warrior five minute time frame trading strategy and the most insanely aggressive one minute time frame trading strategy. It’s now evident to me that almost all traders who attempt to do this, hoping to create some kind of instant ATM withdrawal, end up getting the whole concept entirely wrong. In this video I’m going to go ahead and show you this for free so that a few people in the trading world will catch on and start getting consistent training results that continue in all types of market cycles so let’s get started right now.
Today I’m going to show you how to generate amazing profits trading the extreme short time frames getting all legitimate entries that form, as many that form, as often as they form. I’ll show you how to identify legitimate high probability entries on whatever time frame they form on using the methods that go far beyond the whole concept of the normal type of crude scalping that limits trading to a type of hit and miss.
Would you like to know how to get as many trades as possible and win those trades as much as possible? And if you knew how to tell the difference, why would you enter any trade that has a high probability of losing just because an indicator crossed on the one minute?
The secret to entering any trade would be knowing a legitimate reason why would you choose that point to enter a trade? And know that it has a high probability of working out, knowing that there’s a legitimate reason why it would be high probability beyond the flip of a coin. Choosing to enter a trade should meet criteria and requirements of a high probability proven known reason.

Whatever time frame forms a legitimate high probability entry, wouldn’t you prefer to see that and enter on whatever time frame it happens to form on including the shorter regions of time frames? But what if the best, most legitimate entry is on a different time frame than the one that you happen to have chosen to focus on? And even though you won’t have 100 winning trades you can get high enough probability that along with limiting your losses to consistently being smaller than your wins, you can work as a business.
Many people are attracted to trading on the extreme short time frames. And it makes sense why people are attracted to this when you want to get as much profit as you can and get it quickly and have something that is sort of like a job. You can see the results of it.
Reason #1: More Trades Per Day
So reason number one, it is believed that trading on the one minute or the five minute is going to give us more trades per day. That makes us feel like we’re more productive. Like we have a job. We’ve got some results that we can show for it.
It’s within our belief system and our view of reality that if we break down the results into several per day that is more understandable and believable as productive and being something that constitutes a job or something that would enable us to earn a living. Entering 5 or 10 trades per day seems more productive than entering one every two or three days. But the actual results in some cases can show us that, according to what the market is currently doing, you might make more money to relax and to enter trades once every two or three days versus trying to enter five or ten of them per day.
One of the things you can do is to look at a chart and get realistic about how many trades are actually formed, not in my opinion or not in your opinion but according to the market on charts. How many real trades actually form? Well if you learn how to read charts and you learn how to recognize, for instance, how to identify the end of a correction or end of a trend, there are certain places where you can actually know I would enter a trade here because there’s something visual that I understand that if I did this the probability would be high that it would turn out to be a winning trade.
It has to be based on something so you can see. If you can recognize patterns that are formed on charts and the patterns are formed on certain time frames, it’s not my opinion that they’re on certain time frame and it’s not your opinion the market forms them. They they are there on their own certain time frame.
So first thing you want to do is to adjust the frequency so you can see the patterns and recognize them. So if I take any chart you know first thing I’m going to do is read all time frames but just as an example if I go to four hour the two hour or so what I’m going to see here on this chart is that there may be one or two places here where it would be a recognizable reason to enter a trade.
So that would be one right there at that time where I have marked entries with yellow circles. So in between these time, the best strategy is to stay in one trade or wait until the next one forms.

There’s one right here too that was recognizable. And I can show you more about how to recognize them in our live sessions. But you can see that those are the places that were recognizable. It doesn’t matter what you do or what time frame you look at. Those are the places.
Now if I go from this four hour, three hour, two hour time frame, and I go down to the one hour by the way here I am on the one hour and do I see any entries here? It’s just the same thing and there aren’t any more entries there if i go to the 15 minute do I see any entries there? Well now here there are ends of corrections that are starting to show up and those ends of corrections are going to form on a certain time frame. And they’re not necessarily on the one minute they might be on the 15 minute or they might be on the 10 minute and that’s where they are. That’s not my opinion. That’s where they are.
So if I go to the five minute or the one minute I won’t be able to see them. There won’t be any more trades there that are legitimate. There won’t be any any additional trade just because I chose to look at that time frame.
Enter Trades on All Time Frames!
The Market Forms Trends and Corrections Which Are Visible on Certain Time Frame and NOT on Others.
So one of the things that we could do is decide that let’s enter any trade that the market forms within a range of time frames on whatever time frame it forms on. It might form one on the one hour maybe there might be another one on the 15 minute or it might be on the 10 minute and there could be some entries on the five minute or the one minute. But the shorter the time frame you go to, the more likely it is that what you’re seeing there is not actually even a pattern, but it’s more like noise that would blend into a pattern that you would see if you went up a few time frames.
Then you could see it. So if I exclusively go to the shortest time frames, there may be some trades there. And you could enter them if they are there. But it could be much more profitable to see the trades on any time frame without any bias that I could only see a trade if it formed on the one minute and not see them if they formed on any other time frame.
Pro Secret
So here is one extremely important secret that once you realize it, there’s no way after that point to stop knowing it. And that is that the market forms trends and corrections and patterns that are known and recognized. And those patterns that the market forms are going to be tuned to certain time frames. Whether I like the time frame or whether I choose the time frame or not.
So my job is to adjust the frequencies to the time frame where the pattern that the market formed is displayed properly so that I can see it. So then I don’t have any bias that I choose to trade on a certain time frame. I choose to see the pattern that the market forms and trade on whatever time frame I can see it on.
The market still does the exact same thing whether you see it or whether you don’t. It does the exact same thing whether you spend all of your time focused on the one minute or whether you’re seeing some other time frame.
And here’s another very important thing that a lot of people have misconceptions about, is that you can look at all time frames and see all the trends and all the subdivisions of patterns on all of them within about five seconds. So let’s take a look at that now and see how that works.
Okay I’m here and I’m looking at the monthly time frame and I see this pattern.

Now I’m here and I’m on the two week time frame when I see this pattern. I know what it represents and I know the subdivisions and how I could trade it on any time frame shorter than that.
Now I’m here and I see this pattern. I’m on the weekly and I’m recognizing that pattern.

Now I’m on the two day and I see that pattern.
Now I’m on the daily and I see that pattern.

Now I’m on the 12 hour and I see that pattern.

Now I’m on the eight hour and I see that pattern.

Now I’m on the sixth hour and I see that pattern. Here it’s not going to change too much as I go from a range of time frames here.
There’s the four hour. I see that it’s the same.

Here’s the three hour and I see that. Here’s the two hour and I see that.

Now I’m on the one hour and I see that.

Now I’m on the 30 minute and I see that.

Now I’m on the 15 minute and i see that and I know what that is and it’s going up. But I know what that is on the next longer time frame and I can decide whether it’s desirable to trade on this time frame and how to trade on it.
Now I can go to the 10 minute.

I see that I’m on the five minute and I see exactly what’s on there.

I’m on the three minute I see that.

I’m on the one minute and I see that.

For me to describe that it might have taken longer than five seconds but how long does it take that you can look at all time frames? You can certainly do it within about a minute. So if you believe that you can’t look at all time frames because you have to focus on one that’s a huge misconception. It will limit you. It will cause you to not be able to make as much money.
There are many short-term trading opportunities and it makes sense that you want to get the most profit that you can. But if you want to have high probability and earn profit regularly on a consistent basis, one part of that is being selective and choosing wisely.
You must choose but choose wisely.

Specific reasons for entering a trade. Something other than I went to the one minute and an indicator crossed. You wanting to make money is not a legitimate reason to assume that there is an entry.
When you realize how many legitimate entries for trades form, how often do they form on any time frame? This would help you to know when you would want to enter and why. Let’s say you decided you’d like to get 10 to 20 pips five times per day would that mean that the market would form that many legitimate opportunities for you? Would that mean that the market would form them on the one minute? And would that mean that the way for you to trade is to focus exclusively on the one minute without looking at any other time frame?
Trading Direction
You should be able to look and see for yourself how many trades form on any time frame and you should be able to distinguish and rate the desirability of any trade that form in terms of an estimated risk to reward, and choose only the trades that are high in probability of working out, and that have a high enough risk to reward that the reward is at least twice as much as the amount that you would risk being in the trade.
You want to own a business that’s based on total random gambling and a toss of a coin that has no real probability of working out? First if you learn to actually read the market you can tell what direction is it going and whether the current movement is corrective price action or impulsive price action.
And here’s something that really intrigues me, is that so many people believe that you should trade in the direction of all longer time frames always trade in the direction of all longer time frames. Did you know that if the daily was going in one direction (let’s say UP). During the time that its forming a trend on the daily, the corrections of that trend will form huge down trends that last days or weeks.
So if it’s doing that for days would you want to be trading in the direction that the daily is going which is up? Would that make any sense? Or would it make more sense if you would learn how to read the market like a road map and a trade in whatever direction is appropriate at that time?
What causes poor results is choosing to trade on one particular time frame and just going to that time frame and entering as indicator crosses instead of reading the market like a road map and using common sense and understanding about what would be appropriate for trading for what length of time. For the people who can read markets and they can recognize a turning point, maybe a turning point might be seen and recognized on a longer time frame, such as right here:
And be able to know what that is in terms of recognizing a pattern. What time frame is it turning on and how far is it likely to go? How long that would likely take? Most people don’t know how long it will take and how far it will go. They don’t equate things to be recognized patterns that have at least an estimate for how long and how far they would go.
So if something turns on a longer time frame like this person could get in the trade and then they could stay in the trade for many days. The reason people don’t do that, is because they don’t know how far it’s going to go. Then because of that they’re not comfortable walking away from the computer for any extended period of time because they just feel like, “Oh it could turn at any time!”.
Because they don’t know that it’s a pattern. And they don’t know that it’s a repetition, the same thing that it’s always doing. If you do know that the pattern is recognized and you have a pretty good idea about what is forming, how long it will take? And how far it will go?
So then you can enter and stay in for many days. And then you can come back and see if any entries form on another time frame. Every time that there’s an end of a correction which is a specific phenomenon that you can see and recognize, then that would be another entry and that entry could be on the shorter time frame. It could be on the four hour. A shorter time frame trade might occur on the four hour. It might occur on the two hour, or the one hour. In some cases it may occur below the one hour like on the 30 minutes. So if you were trading these entries you would be getting all the entries that the market formed. So it’s not about what you wanted. And it’s not about what you desire to do for trading. Its about what the market forms.
So every time market forms an entry you would enter it on whatever time frame it forms on. And to be able to do this of course, if there are entries below the one hour, those would be entered as well. But they probably wouldn’t be on one minute or the five minute. So if you could read the entries below 1 Hour, market and you could enter all the entries that formed on whatever time frame they formed on, when would you enter on the five minute and when would you choose to enter on the one minute? Since you are able to enter any trade that forms on whatever time frame it forms on, and you’re able to get all the best entries that are possible to get, and you’re not biased that it has to be on a certain time frame?
Would you think, “It has to be on the one minute or I’m not going to trade it”. Now it could be on the 10 minute. It could be on any time frame and you want to be able to know it and to see it and get in because you want to have profit. Not because you want to trade on the one minute.
So many of these potential trades that would occur on the five minute or the one minute could be random fluctuations of price reflecting noise in the market that are embedded inside more significant patterns. The little tiny pieces of noise that are embedded inside of a recognizable pattern that can be clearly seen on a longer time frame. And that’s often what these fluctuations are on the five minute and the one minute. They are just random fluctuations of price where you can’t tell what it is or why it is that you would want to enter.
Plus many of these potential trades could be marginal in quality in terms of the probability that it would work out, and in terms of the desirability that it would meet the requirements for standard risk to reward requirements. Some people want to just get in any time the market moves whether it meets the requirements of a desirable risk to reward or not.
Now here’s another aspect of realization of truth in trading financial markets and reading charts and this is the most important secret that is going to be a lifetime breakthrough that will give you an insight that once you get this insight you will never stop having it. And you just never will be able to go back to the type of crude ignorance that is commonly used in trading such as, “Go to one minute and enter when an indicator crosses.” And you have to blind yourself and not see why it would be. In order to do that, you have to blind yourself. You have to make sure you can’t see what the pattern is because if you saw it then you would be using a skill. That would cause you to not do what you were doing before with this strategy of going to the one minute and entering every time.
I need to do the prescribed process to use a “strategy”. All legitimate entries to trade a financial market are caused by a known recognizable pattern. Strategies are an attempt to remove the need to read the market. Every entry that could possibly form on any time frame would form because of the completion of a subdivision of a known recognizable pattern. For instance, if there is a one hour time frame trend and we wanted to enter that trend on a time frame shorter than the one hour, the entries would be the end of the wave 2 and the end of the wave 4.
So the beginning of the wave 3 and the beginning of the wave 5. Since that’s a known scientific fact and it’s not possible for there to be entries that are not that, once you realize that and you realize that’s true, then you’ll know that the entry that would occur on a time frame shorter than one hour you know what it would be. And what would be the criteria for entering it. And you know what time frame approximately it would occur on. You look to see what time frame it would occur on and you go to that time frame it will probably be the 10 or 15 minute. That’s where it would occur so if there was a trade that was desirable to enter it was on the five minute or the one minute that would mean that would be a subdivision of the pattern on the 15 to 30 minute.
If it has a a known recognizable pattern or trend or correction, the subdivisions of that pattern could form entries on the five minute or the one minute. The 15 or 10 to 15 minutes could have a trend and the subdivisions of that trend could form entries on the one minute. If there was some reason why you would want to go there and trade it. But compared to all the other trades you’d be trading that would end up being considered undesirable, and certainly the probability would be lower. And the reward would be a lot lower and not as desirable.
Once you know that that’s true you could never go back to the state of not knowing it. And you would forever, from then on, you would be able to use that knowledge and skill to increase your winning trades. To get more of the most excellent trades on all the shorter time frames that could ever happen, whatever the time frame it is. You will get more of the trades that occur. Your results will be more of a consistent increase in capital. And more increase than you could get otherwise. We didn’t know that. Look for yourself and discover that that’s true. If you’d like to know more about what actually is true about the market and how you can trade in a way that’s based on what’s known and true just go to tradingmastermind.com and enroll in our free professional training course where we send out 40 different videos over a period of time that help you to get started in knowing how to trade.